However, adiabatic quantum computing uses rather different principles, which, its proponents tell us, fall outside the formal logic and can therefore be faster. Adiabatic quantum computing aqc started as an approach to solving optimization problems, and has evolved into an important universal alternative to the standard circuit model of quantum computing, with deep connections to both classical and quantum complexity theory and condensed matter physics. Adiabatic quantum computation and quantum annealing. Adiabatic quantum computation and quantum annealing theory. Controversial quantum computer beats factoring record. The chips form the centerpiece of a novel computing platform designed to solve.
Adiabatic quantum computation aqc is a form of quantum computing which relies on the adiabatic theorem to do calculations and is closely related to quantum annealing. A novel graph clustering algorithm based on discretetime quantum random walk. Adiabatic quantum computation aqc is an alternative to the betterknown gate. Quantum computing an overview sciencedirect topics. This textbook presents the elementary aspects of quantum computing in a mathematical form. Importantly, any quantum circuit can be simulated adiabatically. After a short introduction of the quantum circuit model, we describe. Quantum computations can be implemented not only by the action of quantum circuits, but by the adiabatic evolution of a systems hamiltonian. Adiabatic quantum computing has been shown to be polynomially equivalent to conventional quantum computing in the circuit model. Free ebook pdf download journal terms paper at koriobookcom 2014 2015 admission application cycle pdf. Pdf adiabatic quantum computing aqc is a relatively new subject in the world of quantum computing, let alone physics. The two models are polynomially equivalent, bu adiabatic quantum computation and quantum annealing.
This can be done by initializing the system into the ground state of a simple hamiltonian, and then adiabatically evolving the hamiltonian to one whose ground state encodes the solution to the problem. Adiabatic quantum computation aqc is an alternative to the betterknown gate model of quantum computation. Adiabatic quantum computing has a distinct advantage over competing quantum computing methods. The hardware implementation is controversial for many reasonsfor instance, entanglement between qubits, if it exists, belongs to a category that is easily simulated on classical systems. The content of this book is presented as a set of design methods of quantum circuits. A group of physicists in china have used a process called adiabatic computing to find the prime factors of the number 143, beating the previous record for a quantum.
It starts by introducing the basic mathematics required for quantum mechanics. Adiabatic quantum computing has a distinct advantage over competing. It is intended as core or supplementary reading for physicists, mathematicians, and computer scientists taking a first course on quantum computing. Adiabatic quantum computation, as proposed by farhi et al. The basic concept of the adiabatic algorithm is that the system is initialized into the ground state of a simple hamiltonian, which is then adiabatically evolved to. The time complexity for an adiabatic algorithm is the time taken to complete the adiabatic evolution which is dependent on the gap in the energy eigenvalues spectral gap of the hamiltonian. Buy adiabatic quantum computation and quantum annealing.
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